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Employment Idea
Absorbing Talents and Making Good Use of Talents

In the recruitment and selection of talents, hundreds of millions of groups are guided by their abilities and potentials, actively introducing talents with outstanding abilities and potentials, and exploring the absolute advantages of talents through perfect training mechanism and skills training, and providing them with the corresponding advantages.

Matching jobs and unlimited promotion space, where you can play your maximum value.


Encouraging Talents and Retaining Talents

Competitive salary and welfare system and performance management are the key to retaining talents. While helping employees gradually realize their career planning, Sino-Anglo implements a highly competitive salary system matching their performance, which fully respects and rewards their contributions, values and abilities.


Training Talents Reserve Talents

Comprehensive implementation of talent development strategic planning, establishment of enterprise talent evaluation center, introduction of talent echelon training and construction, through the current senior management training plan, key post successors, talent management and geese action, from the group level to carry out the construction of talent echelon, and continue to build a team of professional managers who identify with enterprise culture, highly specialized, passionate and creative. The sustainable development of industry provides intellectual capital support.